Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chapter 4- Sandholtz

    Chapter four starts to explain the details in three stages mentioned in chapter three. First, in the entry stage, teachers may meet those situations which will somehow put them in nervous, such student's misbehaviors by using technology. For example, students use technology for different purposes, not for learning. Problems related to physical environment such as the weather. Most important, technical problem such as computers out for repair for weeks. Those are some issues that teachers will face in this entry stage.
    Second, in the adoption stage, teachers start to developed strategies to solve problems mentioned above and restrictions for using computer for both group and student. In this stage, teachers start to have their own way to figure out how to solve basic problems when technology are not avaliable.
    Thrid, in Adaptation stage, teachers start to use technology to their advantage in manage the classroom. It is different from the previous stages, the teachers integrate technology to facilitate them to manage their class and solve students' misbehaviors.
    I think this chapter is really interesting to read, after reading the evolution stages on chapter three, this more detail information make sense to me now. I think most teachers are still using the entry stage methods to solve problems, for example, when there is a technical problem occurred, most teacher will just stop teaching and asking for help. But I think as a teacher, even without technology, our curriculum still need to go on. I think it would be hard for teachers to get to the adaptation stage because even though we already used a lot of technologies in our curriculum, but using it to manage a classroom seem like a big challedge.

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