Sunday, February 3, 2013

My thought about common core

    For me, common core is a new phrase that I never heard of before I started my graduate school. Maybe there is some similiar standards back in my country, but honestly, I don't really know. The first day I started my gradute class, I kept hearing my classmates talk about common core, but I have no idea what were they trying to say, so I was just sat there and listened. Unitl last semester I took a class with Dr. Ruan, and she asked us to bought this book "Pathways to the Common Core" by Calkins, Ehrenworth, and Lehman (2012). I think this book really helped me to understand more about Common Core..
    In this book, the authors introduce all the infomation about Common Core head to toe, when I was reading it, I was overwhelmed because there are so many infomation that I need to know and try to understand. This book provides me all the standards of reading, writing, speaking and listening in Common Core. I know that Common Core was developed by a group of people, no one really know who they are, the only thing we know is that they somehow developed those standards for teachers to follow so that teachers can teach students with it.
    I heard from some of my friends who is teaching in elementary school, they said that only elementary school teachers should worry about adopting Common Core in their class curriculum, they said they middle school and high school teachers somehow already adopting Common Core in their curriculum. I don't really know what that means, but I think because middle school and high school are upper level education, so maybe that's why they don't need to worry about Common Core? My study is always focusing on elementary education, so for me, I am really scare to adopt Common Core when I am teaching. With limited knowledge, it is hard for me to use those standards to teach my students. I think there must be a lot of workshops for teachers to understand better about Common Core, and I think that is where I can get a lot of useful information from.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about being kind of nervous about CC. I'm a first yr teacher and I don't know much about CC. I am hoping there a lot of workshops and some meetings so that I can learn about it as well. So far I haven't had anything. I don't know if they are waiting until the CC books come in or if because I started late I missed some stuff? Either way it makes me a little nervous. I'm totally willing to learn it, but I need some direction. Also, there is a website you have probably heard of called Teachers Pay Teachers and I've noticed a lot of the worksheets and projects say they are lined up with CC. So that's cool! There are some resources out there that are free and helpful.
